Ruth Murdoch Elementary School

"Let the little children come" Mat. 19:14

Our Educational Team

Collene Kelly

Grade 4

Birthday:  December 21
Birthplace:  Louisville, Kentucky

My second grade teacher had a white old-fashioned bathtub that we could read in.  My third and fourth grade teacher had a Bad Grammar Graveyard, and your name got written on a tombstone if you used bad grammar!  We lived in Maine and would go sledding and play Duck, Duck, Goose in the snow.

One of the things I enjoy about Ruth Murdoch is getting to work with students from around the world.  Seeing kids dressed in their native clothing is fun and reminds us that we are part of God’s family from all around the world.

Hobbies:  I love spending time with my husband, Pastor Kelly, and our four children.  We enjoy nature and living in the country.  We like to go on walks, travel, canoe in the Boundary Waters, and our favorite vacation spot is Yellowstone National Park.  I like to cook, bake, and try new recipes.  We especially love mission trips.

Education:  I graduated from eighth grade from Pine Tree Memorial in Freeport, Maine, then from Indiana Academy in Cicero, Indiana, and from Andrews University right here in Berrien Springs.  I did most of my student teaching at Ruth Murdoch about 30 years ago.

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